Vegan Brioche by Chef Ayesha

Vegan Brioche by Chef Ayesha

Ingredients :

  • 375 g Bread Flour 
  • 45 g Cocoa Butter (Room temperature)
  • 240 g Cold Soy Milk 
  • 10.5 g Active Dry Yeast 
  • 45 g Sugar 
  • 10.5 g Salt 

Method :

  • Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl, except the butter.
  • Add in the cold milk and mix, until everything is incorporated. Allow this dough to rest for 5 minutes.
  • Knead the dough on slow speed, for 3 minutes, moving to high speed, until the dough is almost developed. 
  • Gradually start adding in butter. Check your butter, it should be pliable and show a finger indent when lightly pressed. If it’s still cold, place in the microwave for 10 seconds or so. It shouldn’t be melted, just pliable.
  • Add the butter to the bowl, one small chunk at a time. Wait until each chunk is absorbed into the dough before adding the next.
  • Allow your dough to double, at room temperature, this should take about 30 minutes at 29-30 degree Celsius.
  • Knock the air out of the dough and, divide it into three equal parts.
  • Roll it and braid the dough as shown in the video.
  • Place the dough in a greased pullman loaf tin and allow it to proof.
  • Bake it at 190 degrees for 20 minutes.
  • Brush the warm loaf with Cocoa Butter.

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